It is encouraging that the "US mainstream news media"
is actually reporting the daily death toll for US
soldiers in Iraq. The American people need to know how
many are dying, even if the reasons get murkier day by
day. It is also encouraging that the "US mainstream
news media" has at least acknowledged one of the
several LIES in the SOTU. Meanwhile, however, the "US
mainstream news media" doesn't seem to be willing to
risk digging into the disturbing series of character
assasinations, etc. being initiated by "all the
_resident's men." Yes, my friends, they are desperate
and they are most dangerous when they are most
desperate.(Fascinating that the photos of Saddam's
nasty sons' corpses dominate the news the dy the 9/11
commission report is released.) Here is an update from
the incomparable
In the bowels of the West Wing, the Bush team has
assembled a hit-and-run smear operation to fend off
growing public outrage and congressional questions
about how it abused intelligence reports in the run-up
to the Iraq war.
The operation surfaced when the White House leaked to
right-wing mouthpiece Bob "No Facts" Novak that the
wife of U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson is a CIA agent.
Wilson had gone public with his report establishing
that Bush’s claim in the State of the Union address
about Iraq gaining uranium from Niger was bogus. In
revenge for Wilson's professional and patriotic
service, the White House used Novak to blow the cover
of Wilson's wife.
Not only did this smear compromise U.S. intelligence,
not only is it an axe-cleaver threat to Ambassador
Wilson and all other truth-tellers – it is a felony.
Next, the White House leaked to cyber-smear meister
Matt Drudge that the ABC News correspondent Jeffrey
Kofman, who had reported on dismal morale among U.S.
troops stationed in Iraq, was gay and, even worse,
Drudge admitted to the Washington Post that "someone
in the White House communications shop tipped me."
Matt blew the source – the Bush White House!
Now, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) is the Bush
assassin squad’s latest drive-by target.
Last week, Senator Durbin, a member of the Senate
Intelligence Committee and a critic of White House
policy, revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency
has confirmed that Bush officials worked hard to
insure that the false uranium claim, based on forged
documents, made it into Bush’s State of the Union.
The White House responded with an orchestrated
campaign of leaks to the media, claming falsely that
Durbin had compromised national security and that
other senators had demanded his removal from the
Intelligence Committee.
Durbin exposed the operation in a 45-minute speech on
the Senate floor.
"If any member of this Senate . . . questions this
White House policy, raises any questions about the
gathering of intelligence information or the use of
it, be prepared for the worst," Durbin said. "The
White House is going to turn to you and attack you.
They are going to question your patriotism."
There is an irrefutable pattern here. Drudge has
already fingered the White House. Every White House
reporter knows that at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue no
sparrow falls from any tree without the permission of
Commissar Karl Rove, working alongside his henchmen
Dan Bartlett and Scott McClelland.
When will the Media Whores begin investigating and
exposing this campaign of vilification and
intimidation - a campaign to which many of their own
fellow journalists have fallen victim since this
corrupt regime installed itself into power?
So far, there has been virtually nothing in the news
pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the
Los Angeles Times, or on CBS, NBC, ABC, or CNN. It
took Woodward and Bernstein months to track down the
sources of the Nixon smear machine. But now, the
evidence is out there for everyone to see, almost in
real time. Not much shoe-leather is required. Only a
basic sense of responsibility and professionalism.
Or is the entire Washington press corps so intimidated
and in the tank that it can’t even begin to defend its
own integrity?
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